A Passing: First to Third Period

NOTE: All names related to this post have been excluded from this writing for commemorative purposes.

Today April 2016...

One of which I will not forget, what words could possibly describe it.

Somber...tear inducing... Maybe, but do those even scratch the surface?

I don't know.

That morning I came in to school, like any other day. Got out my car, locked the doors, double checked to make sure my lights were off, cause we would all hate to be that one person standing in the middle of an empty parking lot from a dead battery.

I walked straight to my first period, men's choir, straight there, cause there was only five minuets until the final bell, and the choir room is on on the other end from the parking lot.

I walked in to the choir room expecting the usual, some rowdiness from some of the underclassmen, and everyone just having their own conversations. Not today, there were small talks but that was it, everyone else was just quiet.

I came around the mobile white board to see two of my friends, one of whom I have lived next door to since I was five. He looked as if he had been emotional, just minuets prior, It was then it clicked.

Something happened. I didn't know what though.

My brain could not put together any possibility, little could be prepared for what we were about to hear.

We Proceeded with our normal routine, Moment of silence, pledge of allegiance, warm up and then sing.

Before, we started our music however, an announcement came on the P.A. telling teachers to check there email. That was it.
Our choir director,  went and did what was told of. The boy mentioned earlier, grew a bit emotional. It was at that point, I knew what had happened, but not who. Looking back I don't know how I didn't. How could I have not put two and two together.

The Director came out and said something to the effect of "yeah, that's what happened" With a sigh in it, I guess he wasn't allowed to say anything.

After we had sung for a bit, at the last five minuets the P.A. tone went off. The principal came one, and made her announcement....

...In tears...

We now knew, all of us, a friend many of us knew all well, had passed.

What happened next was un-explainable.

The Passing Periods.
Walking from choir to Government is clear across the building. With a huge atrium sound travels everywhere. People everyday spoke to their friends in the halls and on the balcony of the atrium.

Today was different...

People still hung around out side the halls sure, but what I won't forget is the lack of sound, the halls were eerily quiet, you could still here people but not nearly as much, almost as if, the school was gone, I could hear the ambiance of the halls, one sound you only heard if you were alone in the atrium and listened for it.

I made my way to second period, hardly award was spoken before the bell rung, hardly a word...

Our teacher that the person in her COACH class, a period we have every Wednesday and Thursday.
She was nonetheless heart broken.
She like many other pushed through, to move one and maintain our appearance, some more successful than others.

Third Period, advanced choir, The boy motioned prior was friends with the person now past. God bless him, putting up a fight, likely more enduring than anything.

We went about our normal rehearsal, to keep moving forward. At the end of the class as the bells where about to go off. We preformed a song called lord bless, a special peace we do at the end of concerts and special events. This was likely the most important instance we had ever sung this peace...

"The Lord, Bless You and Keep You, The lord Lift his continence upon you, and give you peace, and give you peace, The lord, make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious, and be gracious, and be gracious, the lord be gracious, gracious, on to you. Amen"


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