My Star wars episode 2 fan edit info

Hey what's up goodfelas.

Now on to our main topic. I purchased star wars episode II attack of the clones, because I was doing a fan edit of it. Now I want to make something clear. I like the. Star Wars prequels. Godamn Revenge of the sith is my favorite Star wars movie of all time.

The tittle of it is called The Darkside Beckons

The biggest thing I'm doing is now Episode II is now Episode I. The Phantom Menace did not happen. Now it starts off with anakin having his mother die and being the turning point to the dark side. The biggest advantage here is that now with it reveling the army of the republic (latter the empire) and Anakins turning point in the first part is a perfect way to set everything up the rest of the saga.
So what does this mean for Episode III? Originally I did not want to do Episode III because like I said its my favorite in the whole saga. However, now that The Phantom Menace is gone we lose one movie in the six film saga. So now Revenge of the Sith is going to be two movies. Episode II is the first part and the the rest of the half of episode III is part 2. It ends with plapatene sends Anakin (now knighted Darth Vader) to the Jedi temple. More will be said on this latter

New opening crawl.
Fix the confusing story. Syphodias, viceroy gunnery subplot, etc.
Make the romance between Anakin and Padme believable
Make Anakin likable and less whiny and creepy.
Remove bad dialogue.
No mention of Darth Tyrannous. Count Dooku is just Count Dooku
Removed c -3POs appearance
New beginning
Moved the scene when Count Dooku lands on couriscuant to the very beggining with modified dialogue.
Jango fett doesn't die
Modified arena battle.
 Modified light saber duel. Anakin doesn't run up to Dooku like a dumb ass he and obi wan fight together for a short period of time then Dooku saps him.
Jar jar is gone he has no dialogue hes just here and there.

The film doesn't jump around as much as it used to we spend more time with one character. For example all the parts were obi wan is on kamnio it stays with him the whole time it doesn't jump between him and Anakin. After he and jangle fight it goes to Anakin and Padme in the fields.

So that's all there is to say without this lasting an eternity. Sorry this is late.

Take care.


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