YouTube: What Still Needs Fixed.

With the fixes to YouTube's copyright System, This shows that the company is listening to it's content creators. This new system allows creators who use copyrighted material under fair use.

But I won't get into that, Instead I want to talk about the rest of YouTube. Cause lets be honest with the copyright and comment system, we've probably forgotten that the rest of the site is still not perfect.

Most of these aren't major changes just tweaks that would fix the site completely.

So here's a list of things that still need fixed on YouTube.

1. Get Rid Google Plus

Lets just get this out of the way, from the day it was released everybody hated it, and while it has been updated and improved the past few years, It's still buggy and doesn't really work. 
The way I see it there's two options. 

1. Pull it out of YouTube. The old inbox method worked fine and for a while on the home page you could see how many new unread comments you had and it'd take you right to the inbox. Which that does still technically exist, but it's buried underneath everything else, and it's really only for Direct messages, which has been pretty much been useless since Google Plus's conception.

While Google plus did technically say they were going to stop integration of the the two sites, it seems like it never came through. From what I've seen, the only way to do it, is to completely delete your account, which I don't know about you I'm not too keen on doing that. I haven't looked into this in while so if I'm wrong tell me.

2. Integrate it Better.

The only thing Google plus really does is the comments, nothing else.. Going back to direct messages Google plus doesn't provide and notifications on those. Why can't those be a part of it. Also why can't the google plus notifications take us to an inbox. Why does it have to be a pull down window and nothing else

2. Fix the Homepage.  

When you're subscribed to a lot of content creators like I am you expect to see them on your home page but no. I don't recall when this became a problem, probably in connections with YouTube One Channel, (we'll get that later) But it sums to videos from up loaders not showing up on subscriber home pages. This is a problem for many reason, one for the up-loader, since YouTube is there primary source of income, if a channel has 800,000 subscribers, there videos may only get to an estimated 5% of them. As a result over the past few years, Revenue has gone down for may creators.


This guy Jon Paula can testify, Operating three channels, One of which being his main channel Jogwheel has to date 826,182 subscribers, but look at his view count

Most Recent Veiws, 

Most popular.

The difference is pretty drastic. Averaging to this date, approximately 35,000 view within a month, just 4 percent of his subscriber you can imagine income isn't a steady as it was, and he is just one example of a hard working You Tuber with less then what they should.

And Before you say, "Oh but there's the subscription's page. Yeah sorry that doesn't really work. Not even half of my subscriptions show up there either

3. Video Manager Button on Home page and side menu.

Ease of Access

4. Upload and replace

Say you make a video, in 720p, but later you find a way to convert it to 1080, or you screw up and accidentally upload an unedited 6-minute clip, instead of the edited four minute clip you exported but didn't label it differently. (Long Story) You want to upload the higher quality one but the original already has a decent amount of views, Well your only choice is to re-upload.
Vimeo has this exact Feature actually, and it works the views stay the same but the quality changes.

5. Mass Annotations

For those who make shows with episodes and things like that, Similar to the defaults. You can pre-write the description of your videos, and tags,  say you want to post a link to the next or previous episode or a subscribe annotation. 

6. One Channel.

Not everything about this feature is bad. In fact, the idea is quite good, but there's one fatal flaw. The idea of the one-channel thing is for creators who produce many different types of content to be more organized and laid out, okay well that's fine. However the problem with that is simple, Going back to the homepage, We don't see when someone posts.

If YouTube made these changes then the site would be a million times better, easier to navigate, and more user-friendly which has been sorely lacking for many years. 

If you think I missed something let me know down below, and follow me on all my social media


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